Joanna Rawbone
Shifting the Extraversion Bias
Shifting the Extraversion Bias. As an introvert, I have been called a ‘low-responder’ by a fellow trainer, seen introverts marked down in assessment centres for not speaking enough in group tasks and coached introverts who are feeling not enough because they don’t fit in. “If you think you are too small to make a difference, try sleeping with a mosquito.” Dalai Lama

Joanna Rawbone MSc is a lifelong learner filled with curiosity, the prospect of possibility and gratitude. She is the founder of Scintillo Ltd, an Ashford based training & coaching consultancy established in 2004. With a loyal international client list, she enables people to set themselves free from their limiting beliefs, own their natural talents and optimise potential.
She chose to apply for TEDx Folkestone as her Reimagined Future is one where bias is removed so that the skills and talents associated with introversion are valued as highly as those of extraversion. Joanna is a wife, step-mother, step-grandmother and flourishing introvert.
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