Speaker and Performer Social Agreement

At TEDxFolkestone, we pride ourselves on building a community of speakers and performers, who not only deliver thought provoking messages and engaging performances, but who also build friendships and networks within the TEDx community too. We feel it is important to outline to you what we expect of our speakers and performers, as well as what you can expect from us in return.

We ask of all our speakers and performers that you:

  1. Are respectful of others ideas. We would also encourage you to share your ideas and thoughts constructively, with other speakers and performers in order to help them achieve a fantastic delivery. We therefore also ask that you too are receptive to feedback from others. Our speakers and performers are a community who work together to not just make their own individual talks or performances great, but everyone’s delivery great. Therefore getting to know your fellow speakers and performers is important, and coming together to work through the tough times, the stage fright, the forgotten lines and ideas block, is a key part of the TEDxFolkestone experience.
  2. Attend the majority of the events that we run for you, to help develop your ideas, your talk structure, presentation skills and dealing with the post TEDx attention! We will offer you as much support as we can through this process, and we hope that you find what we offer you, of value. It is important that you attend these events, even if you are a seasoned speaker. There are rules and processes that need to be followed, as well as getting feedback from your peers, TEDx organisers and mentors, which you will miss if you fail to attend. Most of the dates of required attendance are on the main application page of the website, with more specific dates regarding the speaker workshops being shared with you in due course.
  3. Let us know if you are struggling, concerned or have any problems. We are all here to help where we can, and if we can’t help, we may know just the person who can.
  4. Speaking of rules, please obey them! There are rules and processes specific to TEDx that need to be followed otherwise your final talk or performance may not be approved.  These rules will be provided if you are selected.
  5. Remember that everyone involved with TEDxFolkestone are volunteers, giving their time freely, and often having other significant commitments outside of this. This may mean that sometimes a response to a message may not happen immediately, but we promise we will respond as soon as we can.
  6. Meet the deadlines set by TEDxFolkestone, particularly the script and performance outline deadlines. Be prepared ahead of time, and arrive at the practice sessions, especially the rehearsals, ready to give your nearly polished “on the day” performance.
  7. If for any reason you are not able to meet the script/performance outline deadline, we will expect you to give us the heads up, and send us what you do have, so that we can understand where you are at and how we might be able to help you.
  8. Sign all official TEDx documentation in relation to the release of your talk and photographs, on the YouTube channel, website, social media and other requirements.
  9. Understand that failure to comply to this agreement may mean that your opportunity to speak/perform on our stage is declined, or your video might not get approved for submission to the website and official TEDx YouTube channel.
  10. In return for your commitment to this process, we will provide you with the platform in which to share your talk or performance. We will provide a TEDx social media and local media presence, along with professional photography, videography, marketing and production of your talk/performance. We will also provide as much support as possible to ensure that you give your absolute best on the day.
  11. Enjoy the process! We are looking forward to working with you, and hope that you enjoy the TEDx journey.